Working in close partnership with around 100 grain collection centres, the fenaco-LANDI Group markets a significant proportion of domestic bread and feed grain as well as domestic oilseeds in the System MAXI.
The MAXI system includes the following aspects:
- Division of roles: The grain collection centres concentrate on receiving, processing, preserving and storing the products from the producers. fenaco takes care of logistics, marketing and financing.
- Supply bundling: With the System MAXI, fenaco bundles the supply to Swiss processors and thus ensures the best possible marketing revenues for its members.
- Harvest financing and invoicing: Producers receive financial security shortly after the harvest.
- Logistics optimisation: Efficient logistics by rail and road keeps costs low.
- Storage management: Advanced storage management ensures optimum utilisation of the existing infrastructure.
- Supply management: Supply management ensures the cultivation and quantities of the products in demand in the various regions and promotes good marketing.
- Market assessment: Daily activities on the market enable a constant market presence and optimal pricing.
- Sector work: fenaco is actively involved in associations and authorities on behalf of the grain industry and is being heard.
- Sustainability and quality: fenaco supports the grain collection centres in their sustainable development with concrete measures.
- Participation: fenaco and the collection points regularly discuss optimisations to the System MAXI.
Employees at the grain collection centres in the System MAXI can find everything they need to know about takeover, quality and other topics on the information platform: Extranet.
Your contacts for the System MAXI

Fortunat Schmid
Leader of the business units Quality management, Sites / member of the managing board

Sarah Rust
Head of business division Foodstuffs Switzerland / member of the extended managing board

Basil Rüttimann
Head of business division feed grain / member of the extended management board
Regional manager System MAXI
French-speaking Switzerland

Raymond Christen
Head of sector collection centres and Organic Coordinator, Western Switzerland
Central Plateau

Sarah Leuenberger
Logistics / contract execution feed grains
Eastern Switzerland

Bernadette Zuber
Head of sector Operations commodity products